Friday, March 24, 2006

Another Friday and Other Random Comments

First of all I want to thank all of you for your patience with my dental problems. I have tried to not let the discomfort I have felt for the last couple of weeks cloud my judgment. It's been a pain (pun intended). I appreciate your honesty and openness during class discussions.

Spring Fever, yes it is here and I feel it too. I do know that it is hard to concentrate, but I still have the job of trying to teach; and I want all of the students to do well on the state exams. It is challenge to try to reach everyone and make the lessons interesting. I try very hard.

Teaching is a challenging profession. Teachers rarely see the long term results of their work. We try to prepare students for the future, a future we can speculate about, but no one really knows. Teachers, like parents, have to stay a step ahead, but we do have the advantage of having once been young.

I enjoy what I do, most of the time. I hope my classes are enjoyable, most of the time. Please keep in mind that a teacher's goals are different than a student's goals. There are many things that go on behind the scenes that students are not aware of. Teachers have federal, state and local guidelines to deal with. It does not matter if a teacher agrees with those guidelines or not, it is the teacher's job to enforce those guidelines and follow them.

Education is not just about school, it is a preparation for life. Learning is a life skill, and knowing how to learn is the best preparation for the future.

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